Friday, October 12, 2012

Here I go again

Only an hour and a half to go and I have made my goal for the day. My goal: plain and simple, don't curse anybody out. It seemed to me like every single person was out to test that goal; a 12 hour day at work with rude customers. Even some co-workers I wanted to strangle. But now I'm safe in my room curled up in my bed. Today is day one. I have tried so many times and always failed. Yet I'm giving it another shot. I really really do want to quit. I feel strong in that aspect. Yet at the same time I feel so week, just praying I can make it through this. I have zip, zilch, and nada local support. I will probably write a lot of entries and post a lot of comments. Definately I would love to build up a good buddy list with people who know what I am going through. Well keep your fingers crossed for me.

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